
2022最新小学英语作文最好的状态 The Best Situation


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作文是通过文字来表达自己的目的,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。百里挑一的作文是如何写作的?这篇2022最新小学英语作文最好的状态 The Best Situation能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

Though I live in an ordinary family, I am so proud of the things I have. Every night, my father will talk to me before I sleep. I share everything happened at school and he is willing to hear. My mother is good at making delicious food, so I am so looking forward to tasting her food. The life I living is my best situation.



作文题为最好的水果 Best Fruit小学英语作文

As the saying that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away, so apple is good for our health. My mother always puts apple on the table, but I don't eat it a lot. Now I realize the nutrition of apple, so I start to eat an apple every day. It keeps me healthy. I can get enough nutrition, which is the best fruit.


作文题为最好的礼物 The Best Gift小学英语作文

Lily’s birthday is coming soon, and her parents have promised to give her a big surprise. When that day comes, they bring her to the amusement park. Lily has found the great joy there. She can play all the items. She is so excited, because she hasn’t done it before. Her parents company her all the time. What a great gift.


2022最新小学英语作文冬天 Winter

Most people like autumn, because the weather is cool. For me, I like winter, because snow attracts me all the time. As I live in the southern areas all the time, so I haven’t had the chance to play snow. When winter comes, I want to visit my aunt. She lives in the northern areas, so I can play snow.
