
作文题为珍稀动物 The Valuable and Rare Animals优秀英语作文


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小学英语作文的写作能力是语文学习中的重要组成部分,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。也希望自己写作文时文不加点?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《作文题为珍稀动物 The Valuable and Rare Animals优秀英语作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

Everybody loves panda, because it is so cute. It is known to all that panda is very valuable and rare. The government works so hard to protect it from dying out. Besides panda, there are other species is dying out. We need to protect our environment, so as to protect the animals. If they disappear, soon human being will face the same result.



作文题为打屁股 Hit the Buttock优秀英语作文

In Chinese tradition, parents have the right to teach their children a lesson by hitting the buttock, because the elders raise the children, so it is acceptable to use violence. While in the modern world, the new parents refuse to solve problem by hitting the kids' buttocks. They want to educate them by showing the facts. My parents find a good way to educate me. They won't use violence.


作文题为惊喜 Surprise英语作文

Today, when I walk into the classroom, my deskmate brings me to a corner, then I see another three classmates are waiting there for me. As I get near them, they take out presents and say happy birthday to me. I feel so surprised and so touched. They remember my big day. They are my best friends.


作文题为当我老了 When I am Old优秀英语作文

My parents always say that they want to be old soon, so that they can retired and travel around the world. Many people have made plans for their future, so they look forward to the retired life. While for me, I want to live with my husband and find some activities, like dance or sing in the group. What a leisure life.


对待动物 Treating Animal满分英语作文

Nowadays, people like to keep pets to company them. These lovely pets are always treated well. They are one of the family members. But sometimes the owner don’t want to raise them anymore, the animals are abandoned. It is the owner’s duty to deal with the animals well. If they can’t take care this lovely animals they can give to someone else.
