
有关我不会再淘气了I Will Never Be Naughty Again满分英语作文


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淘气的猴子 Naughty Monkey精选优秀英语作文

Today, my mother takes me to the zoo and I feel so happy. I see a lot of animals, and monkey impresses me the most. They are so active, going up and down all the time. We can buy bananas to feed them. When I give them food, a lot of monkeys rush to me and try to get the food. How naughty they are.


有关我已经长大了 I Have Grown Up满分英语作文

Last night, there were many people coming to visit my parents and sent the New Year wishes. I made them tea and helped my mother to clean the house. My mother was so happy that she said I had grown up. It is my duty to share the family chores and I am so proud to help my mother.


有关一个淘气的小孩子A Naughty Boy英语作文

Today, I go to my friend’s home, because she asks me to play with her. As her mother has something emergent to do, so she asks us to look after her little boy. At first, we think it is an easy thing, but later, the boy never stops playing, and goes up and down. We can’t stop him. What a naughty boy. I realize my mother’s effort to raise me.


有关我的改变 How I've Changed英语作文

Since I go to middle school, I found the lifestyle is so fast that I have to study much harder. Before, I would go shopping or playing sports with my friends after class. At night, I would watch TV or chat with my friends online, but now, the situation has changed. In the day time, I have to sit in the classroom to study so many subjects and at night, the homework takes up my whole night. I start to feel stressful. I realize that I need to get used to the new life. If I can improve my study efficiency, I can make out some time to have fun.


有关我得到的信任The Trust I Got英语范文

Today, I woke up so late, so I did not have much time to have breakfast. I grabbed my schoolbag and then rushed to school. When my teacher asked us to hand in homework, I found every corner of my desk, but I just couldn't find it. I felt so worried and then realized that I must forget to bring it before I came to school. I lowered down my head, and told my teacher the truth. I thought she would blame me. Instead, she smiled and said it was all right, and she could understand. I was so moved. The trust she gave me impressed me. I would never let her down.


有关我发现了什么 What I Have Found 小学英语作文

There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. One day, I saw he searching for something and I was very curious to ask him. He said he was looking for the key. The next day, a boy came to thank the old man for helping him find the key. I find the old man is a nice person.


有关我的梦 My Dream满分英语作文

According to the research, people will have many dreams when they sleep, but only few dreams can be remembered. So sometimes I feel very exhausted. I know I must have a lot of stories in my mind. My mother told me that the things happened in the dreams were a sign of the things that were going to come, but it was on the opposite side. At first I didn’t believe, but many facts showed the result. For example, one night in my dream, I was surrounded by the flood, then the next day, I picked up some money in the street. It was such amazing. The bad things in dream turned out to be good in reality.


一次难以忘记的采访 A visit I never forget优秀英语作文




有关我如何度过自己的暑假How I Spent My Summer Vacation优秀英语作文


有关我和小狗 Me and My Little Dog满分英语作文

A month ago, my parents asked me what present did I want for my birthday, then I told them that I wanted to raise a dog. I thought they would refuse me because they did it all the time, but this time they said yes. I was so surprised. My parents believed that I have grown up enough and could take care of this puppy. Indeed, I took charge of my little dog's daily life, even including her shits. I was so happy I had someone to accompany. The moment when I got home, she would run to me and sway her tail. What a lovely scene. I treat her as my close friend. Before I sleep, I will play with her and share my secret. Now I not only can take care of myself, but also learn to look after other people.
