
有关我最喜欢的一个人 The Person I like Most 英语范文


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作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,而作文是语文写作方面的体现。优秀的作文究竟是怎样抒写的?看完执笔作文网《有关我最喜欢的一个人 The Person I like Most 英语范文》想必你有所收获!

Every person has a idol in their heart. Children chase famous singers and actors. They are attracted by their beautiful appearance and all kinds of talents, but in my heart, the person I like the most is my English teacher. She is a very nice person. I remembered the first day I saw her. I felt so nervous and didn't know how to answer her question. She smiled and helped me to solve the problem. I felt so thankful and tried to learn English well. I like her class so much, because she will introduce some western music and culture to us. I gain a lot of knowledge and broaden my vision.



有关我得到的信任The Trust I Got英语范文

Today, I woke up so late, so I did not have much time to have breakfast. I grabbed my schoolbag and then rushed to school. When my teacher asked us to hand in homework, I found every corner of my desk, but I just couldn't find it. I felt so worried and then realized that I must forget to bring it before I came to school. I lowered down my head, and told my teacher the truth. I thought she would blame me. Instead, she smiled and said it was all right, and she could understand. I was so moved. The trust she gave me impressed me. I would never let her down.


以成为一个明智的人 To Be a Wise Person为题的作文

Nowadays, with the development of Internet, people count on the Internet to do a lot of things. The most common thing is to follow the information they are interested in. Most people like to write down their comments, while as there is no law to limit the comment. I always see the negative words. Internet has become a main way for people to attack others. So horrible it is. We should be a wise person. The way we respect others decides what kind of person we are. It is unwise to follow the bad comment and attack others. We need to have our own judgment and be a nice person.


有关我的改变 How I've Changed英语作文

Since I go to middle school, I found the lifestyle is so fast that I have to study much harder. Before, I would go shopping or playing sports with my friends after class. At night, I would watch TV or chat with my friends online, but now, the situation has changed. In the day time, I have to sit in the classroom to study so many subjects and at night, the homework takes up my whole night. I start to feel stressful. I realize that I need to get used to the new life. If I can improve my study efficiency, I can make out some time to have fun.


有关一个小测试 A Small Test满分英语作文

A guy from America made a small test in the street. He wanted to see how people reacted when they saw someone was bullied. The test showed that more than 90 percent of people would help the weak guy and criticized the one who bullied the others. I was so moved by the people who gave their hands. The weak guy pretended to be a nerd, and did something looking so stupid. But everyone argued for him that he was doing the great thing and looked so cool. We should not judge people because of their difference. Everyone is special and they can do anything if they haven't bothered others.


有关一个快乐的童年 A Happy Childhood优秀英语作文

Recently, the news reported a girl from Russia died while she was doing her job. When I saw the news, I was so shocked, because she was the same age with me, but she had started her career as a model many years ago. She died of overwork. What a pity. A teenager should enjoy her childhood, and she should go to school and play with her friends. When we grow up, we will naturally come to the stage of earning money and struggle with life. Before that day comes, all we should do is to enjoy the free time. Missing the happy childhood time will be a great pity.


伟大的人 The Great Person英语范文

There are so many people around me doing small job but they impress me so much. Take my uncle for example, he is such a great person in my heart. He is a doctor and has worked for more than 15 years. Every day, he has to face many patients. Sometimes when the patients are rude, he still keeps his patience and talks to them nicely. I admire him so much. If I were him, I would be very angry. He also likes to help others. When he meets patients' relatives and friends, he will take care of them and offer some help if they need. My uncle is a respectable person.


有关我的秘密 My Secret英语作文

Last week, when I got home after school, no one was at home. I went to my parents' bedroom and found a wallet on the desk, so I felt very excited but also scared, because I wanted to buy a dress but I was afraid of being a thief. Finally, I decided to take away small amount of money, so that my mother would not realize. Next day, when dinner began, my mother said she must be old enough to forget about how to get money lost. I knew the truth and felt shameful. This was my secret and I decided to put the money on the corner and let my mother find it. I would not make the same mistake again.
